Wednesday, May 20, 2009

brace yourself...

for 30 freaking ultrasound pictures! ok maybe i wont post all 30...
seeing the specialist today was pretty awesome. her kidneys look completely fine, and the scar tissue or whatever it was is now just like a minor wrinkle and will almost definitely go away even more as my uterus grows. woohoo!

ok, starting with the regular style ultrasound images

heres one of the creepy looking ones

a foot

profile of her face, plus her body and an arm

another profile. the protrusion above her head on my uterus is the 'wrinkle' that will smooth out

bottom view of her 'girl parts'

ok, now the cool ones.

umbilical cord going across the wrist and under her chin

another look at her girl parts


1 comment:

  1. omg i can't wait for baby!

    she's getting so big already. little stratton. stratosphere.....
